Reframing the local-global food systems debate through a resilience lens

Despite the growing knowledge that food system solutions should account for interactions and drivers across scales, broader societal debate on how to solve food system challenges is often focused on two dichotomous perspectives and associated solutions: either more localized food systems or greater global coordination of food systems. The debate has found problematic expressions in contemporary challenges, prompting us to revisit the role that resilience thinking can play when faced with complex crises that increase uncertainty. Here we identify four ‘aching points’ facing food systems that are central points of tension in the local–global debate. We apply the seven principles of resilience to these aching points to reframe the solution space to one that embeds resilience into food systems’ management and governance at all scales, supporting transformative change towards sustainable food systems.

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Citation: Wood. A., C. Queiroz, L. Deutsch, B. González-Mon, M. Jonell, L. Pereira, H. Sinare, U. Svedin, and E. Wassénius 2023 Reframing the local-global food systems debate through a resilience lens Nature Food 4:22–29

Reframing the local-global food systems debate through a resilience lens

Reframing the local-global food systems debate through a resilience lens

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