The dry sky: Future scenarios for humanity’s modification of the atmospheric water cycle

Human societies are changing where and how water flows through the atmosphere. However, these changes in the atmospheric water cycle are not being managed, nor is there any real sense of where these changes might be headed in the future. Thus, we develop a new economic theory of atmospheric water management, and explore this theory using creative story-based scenarios. These scenarios reveal surprising possibilities for the future of atmospheric water management, ranging from a stock market for transpiration to on-demand weather. We discuss these story-based futures in the context of research and policy priorities in the present day.

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Citation: Keys, P., L. Wang-Erlandsson, M.-L. Moore, A. Pranindita, F. Stenzel, O. Varis, R. Warrier, B. Wong, P. d’Odorico, and C. Folke 2024 The dry sky: Future scenarios for humanity’s modification of the atmospheric water cycle Global Sustainability 7:e11, 1-13

The dry sky: Future scenarios for humanity’s modification of the atmospheric water cycle

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